From my observations as a clinical and forensic psychologist and from my study of society as a concerned citizen, I’ve developed a new term: Capitalism Delusion Disorder (CDD). From your vantage point, what do you think? – Jay Slosar
A psychosocial societal disorder attributed to extreme and out of control capitalism that is accepted as normative. CDD is based on the underlying foundations of greed and selfishness. Originating and mostly found in the United States. Historical Biblical reference to the love of money as the root of all evil. Psychological correlation to extreme narcissism of an individual.
A belief that all that matters is status and power associated with the accumulation of wealth. Idolization of extreme wealth and persons who have extreme wealth. Idolization of entrepreneurship and that others who work at a job are hapless bureaucrats who are unfulfilled. Disorder involves willingness to pursue wealth through delusional risk taking and unreasonable speculation through accepted market structures. The delusional pursuit involves exploitation of others and regulated markets with a negative impact on human development. However, the entire societal process is accepted as normative and as not being a disorder. Thus, despite societal acceptance, this should be a delusional disorder.
Clinical examples of CDD:
A) Belief that any company’s enterprise value can be excessively valued into billions of dollars.
B) Belief that NIL- Name Image Likeness – is more important than actual performance in sports.
C) Belief in NFT- non fungible tokens– as it extends to actual objects such as art that cannot be held or touched.
D) Persons who report they are serial entrepreneurs.
E) Belief in Ayn Rand philosophy that selfishness is a virtue.
There is no treatment for this disorder because of its accepted normative belief system in the United States. It is not seen or viewed as a disorder despite its destructive individual and societal impact.

Written by Dr. Jay Slosar

Very clever, Jay! You may find a correlation between CDD and various other diagnoses. You could elaborate on the destructive effects of CDD.

We have this precarious house of cards that implements the dangers that capitalism proclaims to protects us from as the core impetus of state action whil normalizing public protection of these mechanations through state intervention. It is called ‘neoliberalism.’ It is an interesting thing to consider something that is endemic to the system as a ‘disorder’ but I am quite willing to agree with this categorization.

I agree with the article except for one disorder and I'll elaborate. In my years of personal research, experiences in dealing with Business Professionals, Corporations, Government Agencies, and Top Political Leaders I've found 'It's All About The Money' & 'Head Count,' How much can we get out of people to hit our bottom line and to pocket some of the money for their lavish lifestyles. All they care about is Money, Greed to gain Power and to dominate in their business sectors or leadership positions. They could careless who they hurt destroy or kill in the process. Some of these people in 'Power' are dangerous and shouldn't be in any powerful position and it's very scary, they will destroy you, black list you and keep you in box living under their commands and conditions! A Job Title or Description doesn't make you 'Powerful!' These psychopath's take their jobs as if; they have the 'Power' to intimidate, lie, steal, cheat, destroy innocent 'Human Beings' lives, families and children. This is beyond a disorder! Also some serial entrepreneurs are 'Spiritually Gifted' to help heal humanity to get 'Humanity' out of the matrix of systematic controlling evil! Many of these SG's are seen as 'Threats!'

I like this a lot as an idea to play around with and flesh out. I agree that the effects of capitalism on cognitive, emotional, social and even physical health are underestimated. I've noticed a harmful/pathological obsession with "productivity" in my clients in their 20's. They are unnecessarily harsh and even cruel to themselves when they feel "unproductive" which seems to be defined as spending any time at all relaxing. It doesn't fit the cluster you describe, and, it is certainly a thought disorder/anxiety disorder which is a direct result of extreme capitalism.

What you notice about the effects of raging capitalism can be supported by evidence that life expectancy in the US has declined the past two years. That is a global and large- scale impact. In addition, there is a well documented crisis in teen mental health https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/03/31/student-mental-health-decline-cdc/ But also, I was pointing out in a broader perspective our lack of self -control and getting caught up in a systemic lifestyle that has different norms and becomes totally unrealistic--and that develops into a societal delusion we all now live in.